Task: Create a multimedia website which includes original digital art (images, audio, video) and resources (original articles, interviews and graphics and links to helpful websites, articles, app reviews and support sites)
Phone/Screen Addiction
Online Scams
Digital Relationships (blackmailing, extortion, ghosting, gas-lighting etc)
Gaming Addiction
Online Privacy
Mental Health (Body Image - False representations of people/influencers)
Canva (sign in with SD47 email)
Google Sites (requires Google account)
Project Checklist:
Research Doc - Shared Doc/PowerPoint with your partner where you keep your research and sources.
Team Logo/Branding
Home-Page - Introduction and background of topic - Images/Text/Video/Animation
Description Page - What is the problem? - Images/Text/Video/Animation
Solutions Page - What can be done? - Images/Text/Video/Animation
Links Page - Where can students find info/help - Images/Video/ Links
Bibliography/Sources Page - What sites did you use to create your project?