1) Download two images of animals you wish to mash up.
2) Load the first picture into Photoshop onto a blank canvas.
3) Add a second layer by selecting the "Add new layer" button in the bottom right corner of the window.
4) Use "Ctrl T" to "Transform" your second image. Resize and rotate the image so it lines up with the first image.
5) You can double click on a layer and adjust the "Opacity" to see through the layer. This will help you line up the images.
6) Use the eraser tool on the top layer to remove parts of the image you don't need
7) When the eraser tool is selected you can adjust the tool's settings in the top right corner. Change the size of the eraser for more precise work. Adjust the "Hardness" setting down to about "10" in order to blend the edges of your image.
7) When the eraser tool is selected you can adjust the tool's settings in the top right corner. Change the size of the eraser for more precise work. Adjust the "Hardness" setting down to about "10" in order to blend the edges of your image.
8) Add the 2 starting images you chose to your portfolio as well as your final Animal Mashup image.