Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Adobe Express - Text Effects Part 2


Create a text effect in Adobe Express - go to https://new.express.adobe.com/

Scroll down until you find Text Effects

After creating yoru text effect - Close the panel on the left to bring up the Text settings


Changing the background colour

Adding outline

Adding Shadow

Once completed, scroll down to the bottom of the Text panel and choose "Animation"

Adjust the "In, Looping, and Out" settings.

When finished, click "Download" in the top right corner of your window.

Insert the video into your Term 4 Portfolio

Photography - Bokeh Effect x 2

The Bokeh effect is a camera technique that blurs much of your images background but keeps the subject in focus.

Try creating the effect using two different techniques.

Technique 1 - Camera Settings


Technique 2: Photoshop

Load an image into photoshop that has a subject in the foreground.

Right click on your layer with the image and click "Duplicate"

Select the new layer and select "Blur Gallery - Field Blur" from the "Filter Menu".

Adjust the blur settings until your image is blurry, but still recognizeable.

Add a "layer mask" to your blurred layer and then use a black brush to paint over the subject and remove the blur. 

Use different shades of grey and different brush sizes to isolate your subjects details.

Share your work:

Add before and after images of your Bokeh effects using both techniques - Please Label

Monday, April 29, 2024

Term 4 Portfolio - Title Page


Term 4 Portfolio

Create a title page/slide with the title "Term 4 Portfolio"

Include an original image to go with your title. 

Adobe Express - Text Effects


Go to https://new.express.adobe.com/

Scroll down the page until you see "Text Effects" a click on the link.

Create FOUR different text effects by writing a description in the top prompt box.

Adjust the results by selecting different customizations below.

Take a screenshot of each effect and copy them to your portfolio.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Adobe After Effects - Particle Explosions

Open Adobe After Effects

Create a new blank project

Select the rectangle tool at the top of the screen and then draw a black box as your first layer

Select the layer then choose under "Effect, simulation, CC particle world"

On the Effect Controls: 

    Try out a few different particle types, hit the space bar to see the simulation.

    Try adjusting the physics


Select "Textured quad polygon" beside particle type

Add a second layer to your project of an image of your choice.

Click the eyeball icon on your new layer to make it invisible

Select your original shape layer and effect controls

Click "texture" and click the dropdown menu beside "Texture Layer" and select the image you inserted.

Click the space bar to run the simulation.

Adjust the properties to make your simulation unique.

Create a new project with a more interesting background and objects to add a particle simulation to.

When finished

Select Export - Render

Click beside "Output To" and choose your OneDrive

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Term 4 Project

Task: Create a multimedia website which includes original digital art (images, audio, video) and resources (original articles, interviews and graphics and links to helpful websites, articles, app reviews and support sites)

Part 1:

Topics and Research



Phone/Screen Addiction

Online Scams


Digital Relationships (blackmailing, extortion, ghosting, gas-lighting etc)

Gaming Addiction

Online Privacy

Mental Health (Body Image/False representations of people/influencer etc)


Create a shared Doc/PowerPoint with your partner and add images/text/video and links to resources you will use in your project.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

After Effects/Adobe Express - Title Screen

 Use After Effects of Adobe Express to create a unique title screen.

Option A:

Create an intro title screen for Brooks Media 

Capture video of Brooks school from a few different locations (Try panning/tilting your camera slowly to create movement

Create a logo in Illustrator, Adobe Express, or Adobe Logo Maker

Create a 10 Second intro video using your video and logo

Add Audio - Check out https://www.bensound.com/ or create your own in Ableton Live

Option B:

Create a title screen for a fictional "Media Company" (ex. Clark Media)

Use Stock video (Pixabay) or capture video from somewhere around the school.

Create a logo

Create a logo in Illustrator, Adobe Express, or Adobe Logo Maker

Add Audio - Check out https://www.bensound.com/ or create your own in Ableton Live

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Adobe After Effects - Title Screen


First: Download some stock video from the folder below, or find some yourself on Pixabay.com

Stock Video

Second: Create a "Brooks Media" title screen.

Open Adobe After Effects from your PC's apps list.

Create a New Project and then click on "New Composition from Footage"

Select the video you downloaded earlier

Hit the "space" bar to watch the video.

Add a fade-in Title

Click on the "Horizontal Type Tool" at the top of the screen and then click on the video where you want the type to appear.

Type the words "Brooks Media"

Look at the "Properties" tab on the right side of the screen.

Select "Opacity" and slide the value to 0% and click on the stopwatch or "Keyframe" logo to the left.

Movie ahead in the video, slide the opacity to 100% and click keyframe again.

Take a screenshot of your project and add it to your Portfolio.


Create a Brooks Media Logo in Photoshop or Illustrator to use in your Title Screen.


Create your Title Screen in Adobe Express

Monday, April 22, 2024

Animal Mashups - Part 2 - AI version

Go to 


Create an animal mashup or mythical creature using the text prompt and settings.

When you're happy with your results, download the image and then upload it to


After uploading your image, give 3 other entries a rating by clicking on them where it says "rate".

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Term Project - Due Friday


Brooks Dance Poster - Part 2


The theme for the April 25th dance is "Fairytale Cottage".

Remake your poster to fit the theme. 

Use Adobe Express, Photoshop or Illustrator.

Post your poster to your Portfolio.


Time: 6:30-9:30

$2 Entry

Must have student ID

Snacks and Drinks for sale

Monday, April 15, 2024

Photography - Alphabet


Search Brooks for the letters of your name. Take a photo of each letter individually. Use the Macro settting on your camera and make sure the shot is in focus.

Upload your images into Photoshop and stitch them together to create an image like the image above.

Export your image as JPG or PNG and save to your Portfolio.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop - Thumbprint Photo

1) Use a pencil, paper and clear tape to capture each of your fingerprints

2) Use a camera to photograph your TWO best fingerprints and save them to your OneDrive

3) Load your fingerprint images into Photoshop or Illustrator and create an original design.

Video - Jump Cut Costume Change


Try this!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Recording Video - Camera Movement


Create 7 short video clips which demonstrate these 7 different camera movements.

Pan - Horizontal/Virtical

Tilt - Horizaontal/Virtical

Zoom - In/out


7 Basic Camera Movements


First up is the pan. A pan is when you move your camera from one side to the other. Panning generally is helpful to reveal a larger scene, like a crowd or to reveal something off-screen.


Step your speed up a notch, and you get the whip pan, which is handy for transitions showing the passing of time or travelling a distance dramatically or comically. We cover this in more detail in our last episode, so if you want to learn how to execute a whip pan, go check it out.



To tilt, imagine your camera is your head nodding up and down.


Tilts are helpful as a ‘reveal’ technique, either to unveil something from top to bottom or the reverse.



‘Zooming’ is probably the most commonly used camera movement; it lets you quickly move closer to the subject without physically moving. But be careful with these, as zooming lessens your image quality.


When you give zooming a go, keep the movement as smooth as possible.


Tracking shot

A ‘tracking shot’ is one in which the camera moves alongside what it’s recording. Tracking shots are sometimes called dolly shots, but they can be differentiated by the direction they take.


Tracking shots will generally follow along the horizontal axis as the subject moves. You’re probably familiar with walking and talking scenes where a tracking shot stays on the subjects as they move.


Tracking shots are also helpful for showing a stretch of road or scenery.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Recording Video - Types of camera "shots"



Create a slide for your portfolio with an image for each of the following shot types:

Establishing Shot

Close Up

Extreme Close Up


High Angle 

Low Angle

Over the Shoulder

Friday, April 5, 2024

Adobe Express - Video


Go to 


Click on "Video"

Try selecting one of the templates to see how the app works.

Create a short video:

Click on "Media" on the left side of your screen and search for a video on a topic of your choice.

At the top of the Media options select "Audio" or "Photos" to add to your video

Click on "Text" to add a title to your video.

When finished, click "Share" in the top right corner.

Change the "access" settings to "anyone with link"

Copy the link and then add it to your Portfolio.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Nature Stop Motion


In a small group, use an Ipad to create a Stop-Motion video using the app "Stop Motion Studio".

Use sticks, rocks, people or any object you like to create a short video.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Energy Drink Parody

Energy drinks are bad. Check out the link below. 

"High levels of sugar and caffeine may produce symptoms including irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness, and nausea severe enough to require hospitalization."



Use Photoshop, Illustrator, or another tool of your choice to create a FAKE energy drink and a poster advdertisement that tells the truth about energy drinks.

Edit the image below by adding text and a custom logo. Add your custom can to your poster.

Tech Issues

Create TWO slides on your portfolio


Slide One:

Define the following terms:


Identity Theft

Cyber Warfare

Copyright Infringement

Cyber Bullying

Fake News

Cultural Appropriation

Deep Fake Images/Videos

Digital Addiction




Slide Two:

 Research one of the topics above and create a short writeup which includes:

Describes the issue in detail

Explains who is at risk

Explains what is being done to address the issue


Include an appropriate image


Include 3 links to websites which discuss the issue

Illustrator - Gradients


Open a new Illustrator project.

Create an image which shows your ability to create a variety of objects using different types of gradients.

After inserting an object - Click on the "Gradient" section on the right side panel.

Try selecting different types of gradients (Linear, Radial, Freeform)

Try using different colours using the Gradient Slider.

Save your Gradient artwork to Portfolio.

Advanced instructions:


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Brooks Media House Project - Proposal

Check out https://www.brooksrocks.com/ and the Brooks Media House highlight reel.

Complete the following Form individually or with a partner.

Illustrator - Image Trace - Create a Vector Image


Find a simple image online that has a solid colour background.

Copy the image then paste it into a new Illustrator project.

With the image selected, choose "Image Trace" in the "Object" settings, then click "make"

Click on the icon circled below to bring up the the Image Trace Panel

Try selecting the different presets to see the different affects.

Adjust the "threshold" slider to add or subtract complexity.

Try adjusting the other settings to create a useful Vector image.

Create TWO different vector images using two different starting photos.

Copy the original rastor images and your TWO vector images to your portfolio.