First: Download some stock video from the folder below, or find some yourself on
Second: Create a "Brooks Media" title screen.
Open Adobe After Effects from your PC's apps list.
Create a New Project and then click on "New Composition from Footage"
Select the video you downloaded earlier
Hit the "space" bar to watch the video.
Add a fade-in Title
Click on the "Horizontal Type Tool" at the top of the screen and then click on the video where you want the type to appear.
Type the words "Brooks Media"
Look at the "Properties" tab on the right side of the screen.
Select "Opacity" and slide the value to 0% and click on the stopwatch or "Keyframe" logo to the left.
Movie ahead in the video, slide the opacity to 100% and click keyframe again.
Take a screenshot of your project and add it to your Portfolio.
Create a Brooks Media Logo in Photoshop or Illustrator to use in your Title Screen.
Create your Title Screen in Adobe Express